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In the format of a virtual book club; Elin Wikström’s contribution to Mailind Solvind Mjöens exhibition The Biggest Minority in The World – kvinnors stemme 100 år i Norge 2013, is to invite a group of artists to together with her read and discuss a book that in the field of feminist literature is believed to become a new classic. The book and invitation was sent out by post to the artists October 28. November 3 seven copies were placed in different public spaces in Göteborg, Wikström’s hometown, addressed to at random selected potential participants. The project is linked to the exhibition’s theme; what was the feminist debate a hundred years ago and what is it about today? What was read and written in the early 1900s? Which were the most important works for the second wave feminism? And now? The reading of Swedish author Katrine Kielos' book Det enda könet: varför du är förförd av den ekonomiske mannen och hur det förstör ditt liv och världsekonomin is staring in the beginning of November and going on until mid December. The reading and conversation can be followed and taken part of at the virtual book club’s webpage, where the book club has the same title as the book.


The invited artist are: Meira Ahmemulic, Catti Brandelius, Kalle Brolin, Tina Carlsson, Peter Eccher, Kajsa G Eriksson, Johan Forsman (Skogen), Johanna Gustavsson (Radikal pedagogik), Annica Karlsson Rixon, Makode Linde, Kristina Lindberg, Annika Lundgren, Mailind Solvind Mjöen, Åsa Norberg, Lisa Nyberg (Radikal Pedagogik), Jörgen Svensson, Jennie Sundén, Mija Renström, Johan Rödström (Skogen), Stina Östberg och Hendrik Zeitler.





"The market is a skittish man"

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